Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our Little Friend Harper

This past Tuesday (technically Wednesday at 12:30am), our friends Rob and Kat welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world. My friend Charis and I had a chance to visit them at the hospital on Friday night. She is such a perfect little baby! Rob and Kat are going to be fantastic parents to this little one. Here are some pictures from the evening.

Holding Harper - she is so tiny! I look more comfortable than I felt...
I am always terrified to hold little babies!

Kat, a tired and proud mama - she endured a really long labor that ended in a C-Section.
What a trooper!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Not baby related but check out Girl Talk if you can. Don't know if he is on iTunes but he is on Napster. Great mash-ups that make for great workout music!